Summer Missionaries to Hungary - Baptists On Mission

Spend your Summer in Hungary Serving with Baptists on Mission:

North Carolina Baptists on Mission offers a great opportunity for you to serve with our missionary this summer as an intern. During this two-month internship, you will serve with other college students, helping our on-site coordinator as she prepares for summer teams from North Carolina. Through the Roma Partnership, approximately 20 teams from North Carolina Baptists will serve in Hungary, providing English Bible Camps. There will also be teams serving the Roma in Romania and Western Ukraine. The summer interns will support these teams as needed and requested by our missionary/on-site coordinator.

Responsibilities will include helping prepare materials for the teams, assist with driving teams, and be a runner/assistant coordinator during the camps. Interns will also have the opportunity to build relationships with local students and families and be a witness for Christ. This paid internship is a great international opportunity to leverage your college summer for kingdom purposes. Candidates will need to raise their support for the plane ticket, insurance and some of the in-country expenses. (Approximately $3000)

To apply, click here and after creating your account, choose "BOM Hungary Internship" as your option to serve. For questions, contact Teresa Jones, or 919-459-5613.



