
RBA Semi-Annual Meeting
Tuesday, April 29, 2025

Fellowship Meal Begins:          5:30 pm
Host:                Ephesus Baptist Church, 6767 Hillsborough St, Raleigh
Menu:              Pork BBQ, Boiled Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Hush Puppies, Dessert      
Cost:                $15.00 per person, make dinner reservations by Thursday, April 24 by calling 919.231.3995.

Worship and Program          6:30 pm
Presentation of Churches Credentials

Full Membership:
Kingdom Harvest Church, Garner, NC
Lord’s Wing Korean Baptist Church, Apex, NC
The Church at Perry Creek, Raleigh, NC

Watch Care Membership:
House of Grace, Raleigh, NC

Mission Focus:
Cynthia Thelen, Executive Director of the Caring Connections Ministry, will share the impact that building meaningful relationships has in creating lasting change and hope in the lives of others.  She will explore the barriers of poverty from both a generational and systemic perspective, shedding light on how the gift of presence - through mentorship and encouragement - serves as a beacon of hope; walking alongside individuals in crisis, so they never have to face it alone.  Be inspired by powerful stories of how God works through His faith community to create lasting transformation in our communities founded in love.
We had an incredible week of camp with the kids! Watch below to see how much fun and music was made! 
Save the Date for Children's Music Camp 2025
Date:  June 23-26, 2025
Location:  Aversboro Road Baptist Church, 1600 Aversboro Road, Garner, NC

Spring Senior Adult Rally
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Registration Begins at 9:30 am

Hosted By:  Hayes Barton Baptist Church, 1800 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC
Time:  Registration begins at 9:30 am, Program begins at 10:00 am, Concludes with lunch
Cost:  $15.00 per person (Registration deadline is Monday, March 24)
Menu:  Hamburger Steak with Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Carrots, Corn Muffins and Assorted Desserts
Mail Check and Registration Form To:  Raleigh Baptist Association, PO Box 46659, Raleigh, NC  27620

Inspirational Message:
Dr. David Hailey has been pastor of Hayes Barton Baptist Church since 1996. A native Midwesterner (Chillicothe, IL), he is married to Susan, a retired school teacher. They are the proud parents of three children and six grandchildren. He is a graduate of Union University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Inspiration and Entertainment:
Rev. Pepper Choplin is a full-time composer, conductor and a self-proclaimed humorist who has gained the reputation as one of the most creative writers in church music today. He grew up in New Hope Baptist Church in Raleigh, singing in children and youth choirs. After obtaining a Bachelor of Music degree from the UNC at Greensboro, he attended Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, where he earned a Master of Music degree in Composition.
Pepper’s published works include over 325 anthems for church and school choir with 25 church cantatas and four books of piano arrangements. He has conducted ten New York concerts at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and Julliard which included 250 voices and full orchestra.
Pepper presently serves as Interim Minister of Music at Hayes Barton Baptist Church.  At the rally, we will do a lot of singing and laughing.  You will hear:
  • Classic songs you haven’t heard in a while.
  • Freshly written songs you’ve never heard before.
  • Funny songs you’ll hope you’ll hear again!

Special Guest:
Also featured will be the inspiring piano stylizations of Larita Kellison. She is a long-time member of Hayes Barton and is a big favorite of her congregation.  A common question is heard: “When is Larita going to play again?”

Baptist Children's Homes of North Carolina Food Round Up

Raleigh Baptist Association Collection Date:  
Monday, April 28, 2025
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Raleigh Baptist Association
820 S. New Hope Road, Raleigh, NC   27610

Please pack all donations in stackable boxes to be loaded directly in the truck.

Embrace Conference - Foster Care and Adoption Event
May 16-17, 2025

NC Baptists are partnering with Summit Church and Apex Baptist to host Embrace RDU on May 16th and 17th at The Summit Church-North Durham, 3263 Rose of Sharon Rd. Durham, NC 27712.
Here is a link to the Embrace Conference Website

The Pastor and Ministry Leaders Breakfast is at 9:00am on Friday May 16th to encourage leaders to hear how their church can respond to the needs of vulnerable children and families in their community.
You can register for the breakfast here

The Pre-conference sessions for pastors, ministry leaders, and parents start at 11:00 am and the conference focused specifically for adoptive and foster families begins at 4:00pm on the 16th.

This wonderful opportunity to be salt and light by caring for vulnerable children and families. Please have families register here for the conference.

Click on the Link below for more information.